One Life #2: 5:00 PM Friday (Departing LCC), Feb 14 – 10:00 AM Monday, Feb 17 (Departing Covenant Point)
Come for a weekend of fun and adventure with your high school youth group: complete with worship, broomball tournament, polar bear dip, other fun winter activities, a downhill skiing option (Sunday), spiritual disciplines, and Christ-centered messages!
One Life 2025 Pricing:
Spending the second day of the retreat skiing or snowboarding at Ski Brule is a program option for this retreat for an additional fee. CPBC gets discounted group rates for lift tickets and ski/snowboard rental. See this year’s ski rates above. Helmets are required by One Life policy and come with rental equipment. A rental/release ski form will be sent out prior to the retreat weekend and must be filled out by a parent or guardian. If any of your students plan to go to the ski hill, a chaperone must accompany them and provide transportation and supervision while at the hill. If some students remain at CPBC they also require supervision for an adult leader
Junior High Winter Retreat
5:00 PM Friday (Departing LCC), Jan. 31st - 10:00 AM Sunday (Departing Covenant Harbor), February 2nd
The theme of NOTICE!
Our God notices us! We serve a God who sees us and knows us as the people he made us to be. In Jesus’ life, we see over and over again how he notices and stops for the individual among the crowds, even as his popularity grew, his ministry was with the individuals.
Join us this winter as we dive deeper into getting to know Jesus as someone who sees us and knows us. As we get to know Jesus, we know that He seeks out relationships with us.
Winter Camp January 31-February 2 Pricing: