Vacation Bible School

Vacation Bible School


AWCC VBS – Diving into God’s Word

June 8-12th       9:00-11:30am      Ages: Entering K-6th grade

Do you know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize. – 1 Corinthians 9:24.   At VBS 2020 we are going to learn about running the race of faith as we discover the life and teachings of Paul. This will be a fun week where our Olympic theme will course through the fun songs, Bible lessons, games, snacks, crafts and more!

Questions? Contact Sarah Lynch at

Waiver: By completing my online registration, my child has my permission to participate in VBS at Applewood Community Church. I understand that photographs may be taken and used for promotional purposes. I give consent for my child to receive first aid and, if necessary, to be transported to receive emergency care. I understand that I am responsible for all charges not covered by insurance. The emergency contact adult listed below may act on my behalf until I am reached.

Please note that the fees for VBS are NOT tax-deductible...

To register multiple children, please follow the steps below...

1.  Register first child and then to the "Giving Cart"
2.  Once in the "Giving Cart", you can click "Continue Giving..." to be redirected back to a blank registration page.
3.  Once you are on the new registration page, please enter the information for the next child you need to register.
Child’s Name (first and last name)
Preferred Name/Nickname
Birthdate: (mm/dd/yyyy)
Grade in Fall 2020 (K through 6 welcome)
Parent/Guardian Name (please list all Parents & Guardians here)
Phone (home)
Phone (cell)
Phone (work)
Emergency Contact Name
Emergency Contact Relationship
Emergency Contact Phone
Alternate Pickup Name
Alternate Pickup Phone Number
Home Church
Medical and Health Information (Please include all known allergies and special needs)
Dr.’s Name & Phone #
Date of last tetanus shot
Insurance Co./Policy #/Group#
Anything you would like to share with us about your child to help us meet his/her needs:
  • Individual
  • Please Type Name here for confirmation