The Covenant asks each of our churches to give a percentage of what they are blessed with locally rather than a predetermined amount. The suggested marker for monthly conference financial support begins at 3.5% of your local church income. God is so generous to us. Out of gratitude for all that God is doing through our local churches, we, too, are called to be generous givers.
We offer each church a meaningful opportunity to participate together in our exciting vision and amazing mission. We have designed and created fellowship, leadership and discipleship pathways for local church leaders to be equipped and for ministry to flourish. As a fellowship of churches, we support one another in these efforts through our shared conference giving.
As the Apostle Paul taught about the generosity of the Macedonian Christians, who were giving out of extreme poverty, he also challenged the Corinthian church, and us today, to excel in the gracious act of giving generously! While we know these are uncertain and difficult times, please consider caring for and supporting our shared conference ministry, through your financial mission support. We truly are better together!